So, Baby Cupcake is due to make an appearance in the world in less than 4 weeks (yes, less than 28 days!). After having had complications from the very start (plus a diagnosed high risk pregnancy condition) and spending months literally counting down the days to full-term, I finally find myself on its doorstep. And now time is speeding up! It seems imperative to prioritise blogging this final blessingway post now with so many other pressing pregnancy-related matters to see to on the horizon ;).
Let’s start with the menu, shall we? I have already posted the recipes used for my self-catered event, but here’s the full menu plus links to all recipe posts (simply click on links or thumbnail images).
Chocolate Cupcakes with Nutella Buttercream Frosting
Chocolate Cupcakes with Vegan Coconut Frosting
Magic Vanilla Cupcakes with Vegan Vanilla Frosting
Magic Vanilla Cupcakes with Vegan Coconut Frosting
My blessingway was rather unconventional, it must be said. The main reasons being that a) there is no baby shower culture here in Sweden, so anything goes, really and b) I wanted to incorporate a variety of activities so that it wouldn’t be a “one note” event. I did a good deal of research online (thank ye, beloved Pinterest!) and came up with a list of activities that I thought would be fun/moving/enjoyable/meaningful (a combination of blessingway activities and more typical baby shower games) and a schedule with which to break them up.

Pictured above, row by row, from left to right: Blessingway Candle activity, Gender Prediction Myths game, Funny Portrait Predictions game, How Many Candies in the Jar? game, Wishes for Baby activity, Blessingway Bracelet/Charm activity
Blessingway Candle
For this activity, guests select an embroidery chord with a printed “wish tag” attached to represent their support and wishes for the mother-to-be. Chords are then tied around a candle which, when lit, will be a comforting reminder of everyone’s support. My wish tags included things such as “gratitude”, “intuition” and “hope”. My candle will be lit on my baby’s birthing day.
How Many Candies in the Jar?
A pretty self-explanatory game, really ;). I bought a nice glass jar from IKEA and filled in with yummy candy in my blessingway colours (green and purple). The jar was left on a table so that guest could take their time in between eating/drinking/chatting to pick it up and have a guess as to how many candies were inside (of course I had counted them earlier!). I printed out a list for this game so that people could write in their name and guess number. The winner of this game is obviously the person who has guessed the number closest to the actual number of candies.
Gender Prediction Myths
A traditional baby shower game that is clearly appropriate for the occasion! The hostess reads out the questions as all the guests follow along. By simply circling “boy” or “girl”, the guests answer the questions to the best of their ability. Some rather obscure myths are thrown in amongst more common ones to make it more interesting.
Wishes for Baby
A lovely, heartwarming activity using a simple template to allow guest to fill in their own personal wishes for baby-on-the-way. The simple statements act as prompts but are left open-ended, so each person’s responses are unique. The collected filled-in sheets are just perfect for scrap booking or setting aside for your little one to have later in life.
Funny Portrait Predictions
This game is hands-on and hilarious. Each guest is given a blank “baby template” along with a portrait of each parent. Using scissors, glue, imagination and sense of humour ;), the guests then set about creating a faux prediction portrait of the baby. As it is impossible to pick a winner for this game, all guests were asked to write their name on the portrait they’d created, then all portraits were placed in a bag and the hostess (my mother-in-law) drew the winner randomly.
Contributions for Charity
I really did not want my guests to feel obligated in any way to contribute, nor did I want to dampen the mood of the day, but I have felt compelled during this pregnancy to give back… and I believe that in doing so I have been honouring my baby’s life (see Cupcake for Charity). Thus it seemed especially appropriate to do so on this occasion too. I set up a “prizes & gifts” table stocked with lovely accessories such as necklaces, scarves, bags, purses, etc., and all guests that won a game were free to choose anything they fancied from the table. The remaining items were then on offer to be exchanged for any contribution whatsoever (just a coin would do) to a charity collection tin. I decided to support the charity Bliss (for babies born sick or too soon), via Baby Saif’s Lighting up the Holidays Fund as, having been one of the lucky ones to make it so far with a high risk pregnancy condition, I count my blessings everyday whilst my heart breaks for those less fortunate. I was touched that every person at the party contributed and that, together, we were able to make a nice contribution to an important cause.
What’s in your Handbag?
A typical baby shower game where guests are given a checklist of items that may or may not be in their handbags. Each guest goes through her bag and the list, ticking off items that she finds and adding up the points. The winner of the game is the person with the highest point score.
Blessingway Bracelet/Charm
Each person invited brings a bead/charm/button that they have picked for the mother and all items are strung together to create a bracelet/charm symbolic of support for the mother-to-be. In my case, despite telling everyone to simply find something they already had around the house and not go to any trouble, everyone kindly chose very personal things and all the items had a lovingly supportive meaning (hearts, angels, etc.). It was my husband who threaded each bead onto bracelet wire. The little children in attendance were fascinated by this activity and process! As these bracelets/charms are intended to strengthen focus and a sense of support during labour/delivery, my lovely one will accompany me to the hospital as I go to deliver my baby.
THE PRINTABLES (yep, that’s the free stuff too, folks!)
As mentioned in earlier blessingway posts, my colour scheme for the event was purple and green and my motif was butterflies. I designed my stationary items around these things. I have been told by a few people (including my boss) that I shouldn’t do design work for free, but I feel compelled to share these things freely as 1) they are already designed and 2) I understand the costs for hosting a shower/blessingway can add up (there’s enough to think about, financially speaking, when a baby is on the way). So, in any case, I hope you like these printables and that they come in useful for you or someone you care about 🙂

Here are links to all FREE downloadable print items:
Blank menu template (just write in the treats you plan to serve)
Blank schedule (for the hostess to write notes on & keep track of the day’s events)
Gender Prediction Myths answers
Funny Portrait Predictions game
How Many Candies in the Jar? game
Wishes for Baby template (for guests to fill in with personal messages)
Buffet labels 1 (simply write in the name of the dish)
I love giving gifts… and having the chance to prepare things for my event DIY-style was a joy! Aside from the “prize & gifts” table (on which a variety of accessories tied with purple ribbon were laid out) I also made sure each guest left with some other goodies.
Scented Candles
I found lovely cherry scented purple votive candles (with 25 hours of burning time) and created my own thank you tags for the gift bags, each one with a unique “blessing” on the reverse side.
Fondant-covered Sugar Cookies
Each guest received a gift bag containing 2 large decorated sugar cookies (with fondant in matching colours dusted with edible glitter) and 4 mini ones. I am so happy with the sugar cookie recipe I used and very glad to be able to share it with you too, along with tips for how to decorate sugar cookies with rolled fondant (click on links or images below).
Ok, so maybe I went a little overboard by making the decorations too, but after 10 weeks of bed rest, I was feeling extra motivated ;). Below you will find links to simple tutorials that may come in handy if you feel so inclined to give DIY decorations for your event a go too (simply click on links or images). The only decorations I have not yet posted about are the paper lanterns with butterflies (idea originally from Martha Stewart Living). You can do as Martha suggests and trace the shape of a butterfly onto any paper you like before cutting out the shapes or you can use the template I created (which uses the same colours and patterns as the rest of my printables). Then simply fold cut-out butterflies in the center and adhere them to paper lanterns using glue dots or a little double-sided tape. To download the template I created, click on the link or images directly below. For all other decoration tutorials, click on the relevant link/image.
Paper Lanterns with Butterflies
The following posts included the original updates for my blessingway planning:
PROJECT PINTEREST (2 editions in 1!)
Thanks for this blog post!
All my best wishes for you!
Aw, you are so welcome! Many thanks to you for your kind wishes 🙂 x
Brilliant!! My dear Miss Marzipan, you are truly amazing! Twenty-two years ago this month, I welcomed my son to this world. My pregnancy was high, high risk. The last thought in my mind was to organize a “Blessingway Round-up.” Your creativity and thoughtfulness is a gift to our community and a profound celebration of new life. I am glad that we connected over the blogger miles.
You are so very sweet! I am so glad that everything worked out for you and your son! I totally appreciate that many people with the same diagnosis I have would not have wanted to do such a thing… for me it was not only a blessing to be able to progress so far into the pregnancy despite all the complications, but also to be allowed off bedrest in time to celebrate the pregnancy with others. I suppose as a result of these combined factors, I was super-motivated 😉 In any case, thank you again for your support and kind wishes! I too am very glad to have connected with you! My best to you and yours! xx
We are on an amazing journey…together!
Your Blessingway looks amazing! Everything looks perfect! I especially love the butterfly lanterns 🙂 These next 28 days are going to FLY!
Thank you so much, Kenley… for all your kind support 🙂 x
There are some beautiful things here – I need to find a pregnant friend so I can host a baby shower! Its sounds like you have some wonderful supportive friends around you, which is a blessing in itself. I hope everything goes well over the next few weeks and look forward to reading more about Cupcake! (Been trying to say this for about an hour – grrr!)
So sweet of you 🙂 I do have wonderful family and friends. I feel incredibly grateful. Thank you so much for your support and kind wishes 🙂 My best to you and yours xx
Btw, WordPress has been a bit glitchy lately, I have noticed… frustrating!
Beautiful! And good luck with the next few weeks and the birth.
Thank you so much! 🙂 xx
Wow! That ALL looks fabulous! You made it sound so fun that I wish I were there! Great ideas.
Thank you so much! Very kind of you! 🙂 You would have been most welcome to join us x
You’re amazing!!! What a beautiful Blessingway / shower!!! Rest up for Baby Cupcake! All the best to you & your family during this exciting time!!! xoxo
Thank you so very much :)! Very sweet! I do plan on taking it rather easy over the next days/weeks. Thanks for the lovely wishes 🙂 The best to you and yours xx
Everything looks beautiful. Love the colours. Elegant, soft, and yet all about baby.
Thank you so much, Judy 🙂 Very kind of you xx
Girl ….. you are amazing. Can’t wait to hear more about Baby Cupcake’s entrance into the world.
Thank you so very much! Very sweet of you 🙂 xx
everything’s so lovely!
Thank you, lovely kz! x
My Gosh, what a beautiful Party, everything looked wonderful. I love that ‘portrait predictions’ game..that would be totally fun. Wishing you and your family the best, good luck with everything.
Thank you so much! Really sweet of you 🙂 That game is fun… crazy, but very enjoyable 😉 The best to you and yours too. And thanks again 🙂 xx
I am overwhelmed by how lovely all the photos are 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Thanks so much, CCU! I loved your latest post too! All the best and welcome home again x
I am thinking of you getting so close to your due date. Your Blessing Way post is wonderful. I love the idea of the bracelet.
Thank you so much! Very sweet of you 🙂 x! The bracelet was one of my favourite ideas too… it’s so sweet… and something I can keep for baby Cupcake later on 🙂
Simply loved everything about this post from the colors you chose to the butterflies with wings up on those lovely cupcakes. Keeping this on hand for future use. Thank you so much and best wishes for you and Cupcake. Sandi
Thank you, Sandi! How sweet of you! I do hope you’ll get to use some of the things I posted. All the best to you and yours xx
What a beautiful party and such exquisite favors/food/decorations! Best wishes! 🙂
So sweet of you! Thank you 🙂 All the best to you too xx
This is not only beautiful and very inspirational but really admirable that you manage to put up all those amazing things when being that soon to welcome your new family member 🙂 All the best for the last weeks!
Very kind of you! Thank you so much for the kind words and wishes 🙂 The very best to you and yours too 🙂 x
You are extremely talented. I remember that towards the end of my pregnancy, all I could think about was getting through the day to day, not plan, design and execute a beautiful Baby shower like the one posted here.
Thank you so much! Really sweet of you! My last pregnancy was rather different and I definitely was not up for planning any major events 😉 This pregnancy has been so challenging/unusual in many ways that I actually feel better now with only 3 weeks to go than I did during the so-called honeymoon period of the 2nd trimester (which was spent largely on bed rest). That in itself is cause for celebration 😉
I really appreciate the kind words. All the best to you 🙂 xx
You have an amazing eye for detail. How artistic! What a gift you have. Take care – 28 days go by fast!
Thank you so much! Really lovely of you 🙂 x
Yes… time is ticking away! 😀
I love how you are using your energy to celebrate this amazingly special time in your life! All my best wishes for you!!! (and so jealous of your party guests ;-> )
So sweet of you! Thank you :)! Best wishes to you too xx
I see a lot of love in this post. Best wishes!
That’s a lovely thing to say 🙂
All the best to you too! 🙂
It looks like the perfect party. Thanks for sharing 😉
Thank you! Very sweet 🙂 x
Love, love all your blessing party plans! wish I could be a little mouse in the corner to watch the happy day. I would add a blessing– God bless and keep you through your last days of waiting and give you a beautiful healthy baby and years of joys ahead…
Thank you so much, Rhonda… so very, very sweet of you :)! My best to you and yours!
Wow! I am super impressed with all of your creativity! What a huge undertaking and how very generous of you to share all of your work with the blogging world. Can’t wait to hear the news that your little “blessing” has arrived. <3
Oh, thank you so much! Truly lovely of you! 🙂 <3 xx
What a brilliant ’round-up’…. you are so creative…! xoxoxo
Thanks so very much, Carolyn! Very sweet of you :)!!! xx
So many good ideas and recipes! Good luck on the last stretch…you’re almost there! 🙂
Thanks so very much! Very kind of you 🙂 xx
Congrats on your big day coming! So exciting! Everything is truly beautiful. You are very talented! 🙂
Thank you so much! So sweet of you 🙂 xxx
Just completely divine…
Well done, you have done a really good job!
Thank you so much! 🙂
WOW! Thank you sooo much for sharing this with us!! 🙂
Just revisited this post and saw your comment- sorry I missed it earlier… and thank you so much 🙂 xx
What a fantastic post, and lovely printouts! Thanks for sharing this. ^_^
Thank you, lovely! Sorry for the crazy-belated response! xx
Well Missy, haven’t seen or heard from you in ages. That little one must be keeping you busy. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Appreciate it and tell us how everything is going across the pond.
Hello! I am so sorry to just be getting back to you now! *Bad Miss Marzipan, bad!* Things have been very busy indeed. Settling in for the autumn now, but the little ones keep me on my toes (teething baby and sleep-walking toddler, don’t you know :P). Hope all is well with you! xxx
This cannot but bring great blessings your way. You certainly have mine.
Thank you so much! Very sweet of you! 🙂
This is exactly what I was looking for, colors and everything. Thank you so much for sharing! These are beautiful!
That is wonderful! I am beyond happy to hear that this post and the designs are of use to you 🙂 All the best for the shower/blessingway and beyond xx