Day 5 – Question 1
What is the highest vision you hold of yourself?
Seeing myself happy, content, fulfilled and making a positive impact on the world in the greatest way I can.
Day 5 – Question 2
When do you believe you will reach your potential in life?
Hopefully I am reaching it everyday! But really, I don’t know.
Day 5 – Question 3
How will meditation help you reach your full potential?
I think that balance, quieting the mind, being able to get out of my own way (remove fears and limitations), stop the judgements/head chatter/projections into past and future so that I can be present in the now are all important for living peacefully and contentedly. Meditation is a path to all of these things, I believe.
Day 5 – Journal
Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.
*I wrote no reflections (still in a bit of a funk, I guess). Should do this one again!
What do you think of when you hear the word, “gift”?
Something freely given… that does not have to be earned. Something given out of love for the benefit/enjoyment of the recipient.
Day 9 – Question 2
What gifts have been bestowed upon you in the last few days?
Kind thoughts and words from others, love, the health and wellbeing of my baby, time with my son and also some tangible gifts from family members.
Day 9 – Question 3
What gifts can you offer those you meet today?
Kindness first and foremost. I can listen, support, respect, smile… etc. In a tangible sense I can give an actual gift to a newborn baby and her mother.
Day 9 – Journal
Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.
Of all the thoughts/concepts to focus on, I have found this by far the easiest to grasp and remind myself of throughout the day. I suppose it is because I firmly believe the principle to be true already. And especially since the start of this pregnancy, with all the complications and fears I have faced, it is something that I have actively sought to practice.
How do you make decisions?
I make my decisions based upon my needs and wants, with a little wisdom derived from my previous experiences/mistakes/successes and, to the best of my ability, in accordance with my principles.
Day 10 – Question 2
What effect have your decisions had on your life?
They (and the combined sum total of all my experiences) have brought me to the place I am today!
Day 10 – Question 3
How can you become more aware of your choices?
Thinking before acting and reflecting upon decisions made after they have been made. Acknowledging the consequences of my actions.
Day 10 – Journal
Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.
Today’s thought and meditation session was an easy one for me to “get into to”. I am not sure if it was because of the concept itself or because I am relaxing into this process, but I suspect it was a combination of both.
Day 11 – Question 1
How hard do you believe you must work to enjoy true abundance?
I am starting to believe that I probably don’t have to work as hard as I once thought. If I simply look at my employment situation, I have never felt less pressure or more capable of handling my job… and I achieve consistently good results, yet I dedicate less time and far less emotional energy in general than I did in my previous position. And I am far happier (which really is the most important thing). It is still going to be a challenge to shake my “good girl”, performance driven tendencies, however.
Day 11 – Question 2
In what areas of your life would you like to experience more abundance?
All of them, really. Relationships (all types), health, happiness, opportunities (including things that money can buy), areas of creative expression… could go on! I am happier today than I have ever been, I think. But still feel I have a long way to go to reach fulfillment and contentment. I still have fears and concerns… and self-imposed limitations. And I’d like to be done with the endless mind chatter, thank you very much!
Day 11 – Question 3
What changes would you have to make to release your desires into universal consciousness, the source of all abundance?
I think this requires a leap of faith and a surrendering of sorts. I don’t know what I can practically do other than practice doing this…perhaps “acting as if” until I truly “get it”.
Day 11 – Journal
Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.
I felt positive doing this today!
Day 12 – Question 1
What is the highest intention you have for your life?
To be the best, happiest, kindest, most useful, most loving, most nurturing, most peaceful, most healthy and fulfilled ME that I can be.
Day 12 – Question 2
What steps have you taken to manifest that intention?
I work on myself and try to be aware of where I am at with all of these areas of my life. But I love the idea of sending out that intention… so that it is up to infinite abundance to provide for me, rather than for me to be so performance driven. It really makes sense!
Day 12 – Question 3
How will this intention best serve you and others?
It will bring me to a place where I am happy with myself and most able to bring joy to others!
Day 12 – Journal
Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.
This is an interesting “aside”, but my little one was having a rough night last night… really, he just couldn’t settle or sleep and was absolutely exhausted. My husband was trying to settle him in the nursery (where he is currently sleeping too) and I thought I’d give something a go. At around 2:30am we all got into our bed and I played this meditation on my computer so that we could all hear it. Baby boy fell asleep! This has probably been my favourite session so far. I loved the guided meditation part.
A very lovely post. It is most definitely the meditation that helps us in periods of frustrations within our busy lives. This post was so soothing and the quotations are calming.
Thanks so much 🙂 I agree! I just hope I can keep up the practice and become more centered 🙂 xx
Those are ALL great! I want to do this 21-day challenge! Thanks for the details and the inspiration (as usual) Have a great day!
Oh, do let me know if you sign up! Be interesting to get your thoughts on the process. I think it’s very worthwhile personally… and it takes 15 minutes a day… and it’s free! Not much to lose 😉 All the best! x
I LOVE THIS! I signed up for the 21 day challenge but I could never stick to it.
One of the nice things is that if you miss a day or two, the sessions remain online. Did you see that you can also download them (for a small cost) if you like? We are considering doing that as even though at this point I am getting through each day, I still feel like I am missing lots and that I should probably repeat quite a few sessions. All the best 🙂
Wow! You are into it. Love reading your take on Deepak’s message. I am moving along at my own pace – on Day 11 today. Everyone gets better!
Thank you my friend! All the best with the rest of your journey too 🙂
Oops! Sorry bad link. Here’s what I wrote about Do, Be, Have.
Will check it out, Mazigrace! Thank you! And thanks for your encouragement too 🙂 All the best x