I first posted a version of this family favourite recipe – originally shared with me by my mamma – on my Instagram account 5 or 6 years ago. It is almost unfathomable to think I have been using that platform for so long. And almost as unbelievable that, despite my intention even then to share this recipe here on my blog for easier reference, it has not happened… until today. Life gets in my way sometimes, it seems.
On that, I am finding it increasingly hard to structure my days right now. Even with the supposed luxury of “more time” and less obligation (social and otherwise), my day can be literally be drawing to a close and I’ll feel like I have achieved less than ever on a personal level. Granted, there have been… things going on. We have recently experienced a sad loss in the family (can this Coronavirus hideousness just end now? I am done.). I am still working, and still attempting to manage domestic life to the best of my ability. But I have had a handful of moments of near overwhelm. And many others of blankly staring off into space (or rather, at my computer/phone screen) while emotionally eating whatever happens to be within reach.
So, along with declaring an intention to returning to more mindful eating, I am happy to finally share this delicious, plant goodie-packed recipe with you.
I’ll consider this a small step in a happier, and maybe slightly more productive direction. Without further ado, I now leave you with this very much belated, yummy recipe that some of you have been patiently awaiting, lo these many moons!
♥ Marisa

4 portobello mushrooms
2 1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
- Combine the portobello marinade ingredients in a bowl.
- Brush the mushrooms clean and twist off the stems.
- Drizzle the undersides with the marinade.
- Heat a skillet/griddle pan over medium-high heat on the stove top.
- Place the mushrooms into the pan, gill side down. Grill for 4-5 minutes.
- Meanwhile, brush the tops of the mushrooms with the sauce.
- Turn and grill the portobellos for a further 4-5 minutes on the other side.
- Slice and set aside.
1 butternut squash of around 900 g (2-lb.)
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt and black pepper to taste
- Preheat oven to 220°C (425°F).
- Peel and de-seed the butternut squash.
- Cut it in half lengthways.
- Slice it crosswise into 2 cm (3/4-inch) thick slices.
- Toss the slices in olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
- Place them onto a baking parchment-lined tray.
- Roast for 20-25 minutes* or until browned to your liking.
- Set aside until serving.
*This can be done while the risotto is cooking.

1 onion, finely diced
3 tbsp olive oil + 1 tbsp extra
120 ml (1/2 cup) dry white/cooking wine
300 g arborio rice
1320 ml (5 1/2 cups) of vegetable stock/broth (or 1320 ml [5 1/2 cups] water + around 1 1/2 tbsp organic vegetable stock paste)
1 tbsp tomato paste
350 g organic mushrooms of choice, sliced
Salt and freshly cracked black pepper to taste
Chopped herbs to taste, such as parsley and spring onion
- Sauté the onion in olive oil in a large pan over medium heat for a couple of minutes.
- Add the sliced mushrooms and continue to cook for a further couple of minutes.
- Add the rice. Continue to sauté for a minute.
- Add the wine and the tomato paste and stir, allowing the paste to incorporate.
- At this stage add 720 ml (3 cups) of vegetable stock/broth, combine well, cover and allow to simmer for around 20 minutes or until the rice has almost absorbed the stock.
- Add a further 360 ml (1 1/2 cups) of vegetable stock/broth, stir well, cover and allow to simmer for approximately 10 minutes or until the rice has almost absorbed the stock.
- Then add the last 240 ml (1 cup) of vegetable stock/broth, repeating the process by combining well, covering and simmering for around 10 minutes to finish (almost all of the stock/broth should be absorbed by the rice by the end of this process). During this final risotto cooking stage, the cooked portobellos and butternut squash can be warmed through, if desired.
- Remove the pan from the heat and stir through a tablespoon of olive oil.
- To serve, top portions of risotto with some cooked portobello and butternut squash slices, season with salt and black pepper to taste and sprinkle over herbs of choice.