Call me crazy, but after much deliberation followed by a split-second decision, I started doing PIIT28 last weekend. If you’ve ever heard of Pilates enthusiast extraordinaire Cassey Ho, you probably know what it is. For those who don’t know, it stands for Pilates Intense Interval Training and is a 28-day fitness reboot that’s done in 28 minutes per day. And, yeah… I was a little nervous (it’s tough!). And, yes, it’s Advent (and, yes, I love treats!). But I am at the point postpartum that I want my energy back. I want to feel “myself” again, despite still breastfeeding and even though, after 3 babies in a row, looking like the “old me” is unlikely to improbable. This postpartum period has involved less exercise, and decidedly more cake than my previous two. But I am determined to reclaim a little ‘me’ in my life right now and start prioritising my health again.
Years ago when I used to do 70 minute-Pilates sessions on a regular basis, I felt taller somehow. My core was strong and I rarely found myself hunching over, despite long hours of university study and an otherwise rather unhealthy lifestyle. These days I seem to catch myself in bad posture mode as regularly as I find myself in yoga pants (not doing yoga, mind you 😛 )… and that’s quite a lot.
And so, in anticipation of Christmas and in the spirit of not wanting to deprive myself of treats, I created these little yummies which are to be stored in the freezer (a way to curb the stress eating I have been doing lately). And they are delicious, not-too-sweet and very satisfying!
If you happen to make them, do let me know. And if you are on Instagram, I am hosting a little Advent cooking share challenge, so if you think your festive eats are love-worthy, feel free to use the hashtag #happyhealthyadvent and tag me when you share your Christmassy food creations.
Love, Marisa xx
PS I’ll update on the PIIT28 situation when I have more soon. So far I am 6 days through week 1 and modifying a fair bit.
200 ml nut butter*
1 block (100 g) 85-90% chocolate
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1/2 tbsp rice malt syrup (or raw substitute)
3.5 tbsp raw cacao
Cacao/matcha powder, coconut, flower sprinkles or whatever you fancy
- Line a small baking tray (13 x 13 cm/5 x 5 in) with baking parchment.
- In a ceramic/glass mixing bowl over a water bath (pan with a little water in it) over low heat, combine chocolate and coconut oil. Melt together.
- When melted and smooth, add nut butter and mix through.
- Add rice malt syrup and cacao. Mix well.
- Remove bowl from heat. Tip mix into prepared tray and smooth down with a spatula.
- Decorate with sprinkles of choice and set tray in freezer for around 1 hour or until mix is firm and set.
- Cut into pieces, store in the freezer and serve cold.
*I used crunchy peanut butter for the ones pictured here, but hazelnut is also fabulous and tahini works too, for a nut-free option.
** Truffles will be very soft at room temperature so do remember to serve them direct from the fridge/freezer.
Looking forward to your updates!!! Hugs!!
Delicious. And you may be amused to know that I have finally, after so many years of talking about it, started eating chia. i am quite addicted to it.
Oh really? How cool! Haha! I eat it almost daily and can’t remember what my pre-chia life was like 😉 And thank you so much! I hope you’re having a wonderful December x
I would probably eat more chia if I found a cheaper source. 🙂
Good on you Marisa for not letting the business of Christmas get in the way of your exercise 😄
Lol 😀 I am trying! It’s not easy though… cake on one side, burpees on the other… hmmm which is more appealing?! xxx
these look so pretty! That first photo is so gorge.
Thank you so much! 🙂
Ahh-mazing creation! You’re the greatest foodcreator here on www 🙂
Oh my gosh! Too kind! Thank you for the support, lovely one x
I’ve just made this Marisa and it’s so delicious! I’m not sure if you have them in Stockholm but this tastes just like chocolate flakes by Cadbury (well, I think so anyway haha). Thanks for the recipe!
Hi!!! Oh I am so stoked you made them and liked the recipe! We can get Cadbury here (from the English Shop 😀 ) but I know Cadbury well, having been born in the UK and raised in Australia! Used to be my fave chocolate brand 😀 Hugs
Amazing, I definitely have to try making these one day!
Thank you, lovely! I hope you will like them if you do 🙂 Have a great NYE! x
I can’t wait to try this!! ❤️
Thank you lovely! <3 Can wait to see it if you do x
Would it make a difference if I left it in the fridge rather than the freezer or will it only take more time to firm up?
Thank you.
Hi Sara! It will firm up with time, but if possible I recommend using a freezer and also plating up individual serves direct from the freezer as they soften/melt at room temperature rather quickly 🙂 Best wishes
Ok. Thank you.❤️😘
you’re welcome! <3 x