This is a light and fresh chia pudding combining the mellow freshness of a fragrant green tea with the gentle creaminess of almond milk, a hint of vibrant lemon and sweet bursts of fresh blueberries. The recipe is gluten-free, sugar-free, IQS-friendly, organic (if you use organic ingredients), vegan/plant-based and has a Paleo option too.
Makes: 2 portions | Prep Time: 5 minutes (minus time for the tea to steep)
150 ml fragrant, mellow green tea* (I used Teavivre organic green tea)
175 ml unsweetened almond milk
1/2 tsp organic vanilla powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 – 1 tsp of finely grated lemon zest (add zest according to taste)
1 tbsp rice malt syrup** (I used PureHarvest organic, gluten-free rms)
1 tsp green protein powder
60 ml chia seeds
50 ml desiccated coconut
100 ml fresh, organic blueberries (more if you like)
A ribbon of lemon zest as garnish (optional)
- Mix all chia pudding ingredients in a bowl and combine well.
- Cover and keep in the fridge overnight.
- Give mix a good stir before diving it between 2 glasses/jars/bowls. Serve topped with blueberries and extra lemon zest as a garnish.
*The equivalent of 2 teabags steeped in 150ml of boiling water and left to cool to room temperature.
**Rms could be replaced with maple syrup for a vegan, Paleo option.
***This recipe was originally featured on the fabulous site, where gorgeous professional wellness coach Jema Lee shares her good life, good health knowledge and gluten-free inspiration.
Looks yum and refreshing. I tried soaking some chia the other day but it tasted a little bitter. Is that normal? I only soaked it in water.
Hi! Thank you so much! 🙂 x
I have only really used chia on its own soaked in water to make “chia eggs” (alternative binding agent/egg replacer), but for puddings I have always used a “creamy” component (some kind of vegan milk or cream) and some type of sweet element (usually fruit combined with a little sweetener of a non white sugar variety). I have never encountered a bitterness issue, so perhaps it is the combination of a slightly creamy + slightly sweet element plus the chia seeds that counters any potential bitterness? x
I will have to try again. I did see milled or hulled ( can’t remember which) chia seeds in the supermarket and wondered if I would like that better.
Dear MM,
Very nice recipe and beautiful zen-like, clean photo.
Also, although belatedly, all the very best for a wonderful New Year! 🙂
Yum…. This looks divine !
Reblogged this on Travels with Mary and commented:
This looks delicious!
Love the photo!!!!!! xxxxxxxx
Ooh lovely! A lovely pudding from a lovely lady 🙂 x
Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous
DAYUM I am so glad you are posting these recipes up regularly mon amie! I love how fragrant and healthy this breakfast is, and without being too unhealthy! 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Hello my dear! Looks yummy and healthy. I’ve tried a couple of soya milks and wasn’t a fan. I must try and find a milk alternative that I like. It’s so expensive to buy a cartoon you don’t like and it spoils in la fridge.
Somehow my few attempts at chia pudding have failed until now. I get little lumps of gel in liquid. But your recipe has tempted me to try again!
hi MM!! This does look every so bright and refreshing– It’s funny because a friend just sent me a recipe almost identical (from Michigan, not Sweden!!) but it had strawberries– so I just have to give it a try! thanks bunches.