A few weeks ago I signed up for the The Female Hormone Solution, hosted by Dave and Cam of The RAW Health Movement. We have now officially reached the completion of this free 10-day event that has featured hormonal health advice from 30 experts across different fields (6 videos posted every 48 hours). The good news is that an “Encore Day” has been announced… so read on if you’re interested in finding out more!
Hormonal health in general is of great interest to me, and has been ever since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism* in 2009 after a miscarriage and series of fertility-related tests conducted at a clinic here in Stockholm.
I have been consciously riding the hormonal roller-coaster since 2008 and unconsciously doing so long before then. I realise more each day how amazing my body is, how “kind” it has been to me and how I can improve every single area of my life by taking care of my health above all else. Forums such as this provide extra motivation for me to do so… and an absolute wealth of information too!
I missed a few days of The Female Hormone Solution due to a family trip to the ski fields of Åre (which I heartily recommend, even if you’re winter sports-challenged as I am!), but have tried to catch up on my viewing, and today I had the pleasure of listening to amazing Therese Kerr, whose talk about chemical toxicity in non-organic cosmetic products was a real eye-opener.
On her website page Educated, Empowered and Chemical-Free, Therese prefaces her program summary by posing this question:
“Did you know that on average, most women put a minimum of 250 chemicals on their skin every day and that 60 to 70% of everything WE put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream and our organs?”
Eek x 250, in fact!
Her talk was essentially an elaboration on this point. She shared her own health story and talked briefly about her background, business ventures and family (her daughter is gorgeous Miranda Kerr). She discussed her motivations for going organic and various research papers/studies that have proved links between chemical bombardment (particularly in the form of cosmetic products) and hormonal issues and diseases. When she stated that “… the very thing that women think is making them more feminine, is the very thing that is costing them their femininity”, it really hit home.
We currently buy organic, paraben-free shampoo, conditioner and body wash. My foundation is organic, fair-trade and vegan. Our household cleaning products are either homemade (by me) or certified eco and CO2-neutral. However, we have a long way to go to becoming chemical-free, and Therese’s talk was truly motivational.
In fact, despite working in the cosmetics industry myself (albeit for a company with an organic line of products and good ethical policies) and despite years of coveting and amassing all manner of cosmetic and fragrance products (from novel to high-end), I felt compelled to turn out my make-up bag and strip my bathroom cupboards bare in order to weed out “the nasties”.
My thriftiness holds me back, somewhat. I hate wasting things. I don’t like to throw things away that are still usable and/or useful. But I think a serious detox is in order. It might cost me money, but my health has no price tag. I will be sure to document this process in some way once it gets underway.
In the meantime, if you’re interested, get in super quick and register immediately at thefemalehormonesolution.com to gain access to the “Encore Day” round of videos (actually up for the next 48 hours) featuring the forum’s top voted presenters, plus free gifts, including a downloadable hormonal health recipe book.
Experts featured in this amazing series of talks include fabulous Sarah Wilson (the reason I signed up in the first place), Dr Libby and celebrity chef, Pete Evans.
I hope to share my experiences with my latest round of the I Quit Sugar 8-Week Program very soon too, but had to put this tip “out there” before the videos are no longer available.
I hope this is of use to someone.
<3 MM xx
*It was never suggested that hypothyroidism was the cause of the miscarriage at that time, but the testing that determined I had thyroid issues was done as a direct result of the miscarriage.
**Of no relevance to this post, really, but it is my daughter’s second birthday today. A special thank you to all of you who followed this blog and my high risk pregnancy journey with “Cupcake” in 2013. You really helped me and I am grateful; grateful to you and grateful to have my little sweetie here with me… and thriving.
I literally googled this yesterday. My mom has hypothyroidism and every time I’m tired for extended periods of time I’m like “it’s happening.” We’ll see.. for now, I love having resources to pass on to her!
Ok, so I know hormones can be disrupted but to this extent? I never even realised it! Thank god, because I just thought I was overly emotional 😛
Great informative post!
Choc Chip Uru
Cupcake is 2 already! Happy happy birthday.