My 100th post comes to you on the cusp of a new year and I felt it appropriate to finally respond to some generous nominations sent my way by other bloggers. It has been a while since I agreed to accept any more award nominations, but the thing is that I am truly grateful for the support I have received in the short time I have been blogging regularly and I want to acknowledge the kindness I have received. If I don’t follow all award rules, please forgive me. And I totally understand that not everyone likes to/has time to participate in accepting/nominating for awards, so please do not feel obliged to respond if you fall into that category (I have been in it for a while myself). Many thanks to anyone who has stopped by… and particular thanks to Miss Marzipan blog followers/readers and the kind bloggers out there who have taken the time to post nominations and shout-outs.
Wishing you all a very happy 2013 :)! xx, Miss Marzipan
Nominated by: lovely kz (a self-described writer, fashionista, foodie, beach bum and traveler) from The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic and lovely Stepphy from Pretty Little Dreamer (Step into the Cruz)
The rules:
• Display the award certificate on your website
• Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award
• Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers (Versatile Blogger)
• Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
• Post 7 interesting things about yourself
7 things about me (reposted from a previous nomination post):
- There is nothing that I cherish more than the gifts of life and motherhood.
- I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon, as was my grandmother and my father. My baby is also due in the Dragon’s year!
- My husband is the kindest and most patient man I know.
- I love to travel and have had many adventures prior to settling into a life of “domestic bliss”… and quite a few since (eg, my husband proposed to me while we were staying in a ger camp with nomads in Mongolia).
- I am a big fan of make-up and for a short time in my late teens I went to beauty school, aspiring to be a make-up artist.
- I love living in Europe, but I wish the Scandinavian winter only lasted through December… and that we were a little closer to Paris/London/Venice/Amsterdam/Vienna/Berlin… oh, and Australia! Too much to ask?
- I respect and admire anyone who wants to make a positive impact on the world and I hope to be one of them in my own small way.
My nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award:
Hot, Cheap & Easy Fabulous food and recipes! Truly!
ArdentPT Sweta’s blog about all things physical therapy-related… ask her a medical question and she’s sure to kindly provide some info!
Gazing In A wonderful blog about life, family and food
Blue Jelly Beans Foodie posts in Spanish and English
matchamochi Vegetarian home cooking adventures
Thank You Honey A blog about mommyhood and good food
The Thankful Heart Yummy, comforting home cooking and personal reflections
No Naughties “Naturally sweet treats without sugar, wheat, gluten, yeast and other allergens”- yay!
Vini Cooks Veg Amazing vegetarian food with Indian roots
ABC of Spirit Talk Stop by, reflect, feel good
Green Door Hospitality Wonderful tips and recipes for making your home warm and welcoming
Dear Kitty. Some Blog Some people truly care about the world… and it’s evident
Nominated by: Savor the Food and Loving Homemade
The Liebster Award, for those who don’t know, is apparently given to up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for“Beloved, Dearest or Favorite” and the award is intended to shine a spotlight on blogs deserving of some recognition. Although I am extremely grateful for the encouragement and acknowledgement (thanks so much, guys!), with well over 200 followers now, I cannot accept this award. I have accepted one earlier however and the post can be found here.
Nominated by: Sweta of Ardent PT (thank you very much, lovely!)
I was unsure as to how this award worked exactly, but after searching around I now believe I am supposed to answer the following questions, then nominate a few blogs:
- If you could change one thing, what would you change?
I wish there was no violence/competition/mean-spiritedness and that everyone recognised on a deep level that we are all connected. - If you could repeat an age, what would it be?
Perhaps my early to mid-twenties. Youth is wasted on the young, as they say 😉 But really, I am very happy with my life today, so wouldn’t really want to change anything that got me where I am now (and that is everything). - What is one thing that really scares you?
Anything to do with my babies getting hurt… in any way. - What is one dream you have not completed, and do you think you’ll be able to complete it?
I think I would like to work on my own small business venture (even if only part-time/casual) in the future. I definitely think it’s possible. - If you could be someone else for one day, who would it be?
Perhaps my little boy, so I could see the world from his perspective.
My nominees for the Reality Blog Award:
The eclectic eccentric shopaholic It’s a blog about the lovely KZ, with posts that are sure to entertain
Daisy and the Fox Wonderful, comforting food and a celebration of lovely things!
Just Enough Sugar Super-delicious recipes and step-by-step instructions
Pudding the Damage On A marathon running mother of three shares interesting, inspiring anecdotes
Flutterby Rainbow Adventures in homeschooling and lovely activities for little ones
Pretty Little Dreamer With love from the Philippines
Heart And A Half A lovely blog about a mother’s love and life with a little boy born with a congenital heart defect
Elena Selivan Nutrition, diets, fitness, alternative medicine, etc. Elena does the homework for you so that you don’t have to!
silkannthreades A blog about the little and lovely things in life
Nominated by: Chef Doru, Ardent PT and Savor the Food
Below are the rules for the Very Inspiring Blog Award so please follow carefully:
- Display the award logo on your blog.
- Link back to the person who nominated you.
- State 7 things about yourself.
- Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
- Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements
7 things about me (again, reposted from my previous nomination post):
- There is nothing that I cherish more than the gifts of life and motherhood.
- I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon, as was my grandmother and my father. My baby is also due in the Dragon’s year!
- My husband is the kindest and most patient man I know.
- I love to travel and have had many adventures prior to settling into a life of “domestic bliss”… and quite a few since (eg, my husband proposed to me while we were staying in a ger camp with nomads in Mongolia).
- I am a big fan of make-up and for a short time in my late teens I went to beauty school, aspiring to be a make-up artist.
- I love living in Europe, but I wish the Scandinavian winter only lasted through December… and that we were a little closer to Paris/London/Venice/Amsterdam/Vienna/Berlin… oh, and Australia! Too much to ask?
- I respect and admire anyone who wants to make a positive impact on the world and I hope to be one of them in my own small way.
My 15 nominations:
- Cooking Whims Cooking with passion
- Butter, sugar, flowers Inventive sweet creations
- Hugs and kisses Everything made with love
- Best of 2 Sisters A lovely blog with gorgeous posts and photography
- HopeTulips Honest personal reflections on a pregnancy journey
- Librarian Eats Menu plans, reflections and recipes
- The Healthy Epicurean Delicious nutritious food with French flavour
- Revel Kitchen “Revel in all things food”
- Mamsell Proust All things pretty, romantic and vintage
- Loving homemade Putting time and care into personal projects- a blog after my own heart
- Arohanui Vegan Love Amazing vegan inspiration and fab recipes
- Boomdeeadda A blog about art, life and lovely creative projects
- The Vanilla Duck Vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free deliciousness and inspiration
- Clan Mother A beautifully reflective blog
- Table of Colors Food, family, creativity and lovely photography
Nominated by: Flora’s Table, Chef Doru, Elena Selivan and Baby Boomer Bakes
I have already received this award, but have been kindly thought of and nominated by Flora’s Table, Chef Doru, Elena Selivan and Baby Boomer Bakes (thanks so much, all of you!). The Sunshine Award is symbolised by a flower that one blogger can give to other “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.
As with most awards, the Sunshine Award comes with a few simple rules:
- Acknowledge the person who gave this award in a blog post.
- Do the Q&A below.
- Pass on the award to 10 deserving and inspiring bloggers, inform them and link to their blogs.
Q&A (reposted from my previous nomination post):
- Who is your favorite philosopher? I cannot, in all honesty, say that I have a favourite philosopher, though there are philosophies that I live by. The maxim “know thyself” has been attributed to many wise Ancient Greeks, but I suppose“whoever came up with that one” will suffice for an answer to this question
- What is your favorite number? 23
- What is your favorite animal? Rabbit
- What is your favorite time of day? It depends on what I am doing but usually early morning or late evening.
- What are your Facebook and Twitter? I don’t link any social media to my blog.
- What is your favorite holiday? I love Halloween. I also love Christmas… and a little-known celebration that occurs here pre-Christmas called “Lucia”. If I lived in America, I bet I’d be crazy about Thanksgiving. I am very much into celebrating occasions!
- What is your physical favorite activity? Dancing
- What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Some kind of juice or smoothie… or perhaps a frappuccino (which we can’t buy here, darn it!)
- What is your passion? Put simply, living, loving, creating and exploring!
- What is your favorite flower? I love wild flowers and sunflowers
My 10 nominations:
- Just Enough Sugar Sweet inspiration and lovely recipes
- Heidielka Crafting, baking and personal reflections
- MonaLisaMom Makeup, yoga and motherhood
- Sugar Coated Sarah “A delicious life!”
- Chef Mimi “So much food. So little time.”
- Rarasaur A self-confessed blogging geek providing interesting, regular posts
- I need a feed An abundance of lovely food ideas
- Della Cucina Povera Recipes, reflections and photography
- Lucy’s Friendly Foods A Cordon Bleu trained mum of two with a passion for cooking shares gorgeous recipes
- Easy Baked I feel inspired (and hungry) when I visit here… lovely stuff!
Nominated by: All you do is eat! and The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic
Many thanks to the very kind folks at All you do is eat! (a blog about all things foodie in Sydney, from recipes to reviews, that makes me rather homesick! ;)) and The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic.
- Thank the super sweet blogger who made the nomination
- Answer the five questions provided with award
- Nominate a baker’s dozen of other bloggers
- Cookie or cake? I am going to go with cake, only because I love cupcakes. But I won’t turn down a good cookie either! 😉
- Chocolate or Vanilla? I’m going with chocolate, but I am partial to vanilla too.
- What is your favorite sweet treat? Impossible question- I have a sweet tooth! To be sporting, I’ll say cupcakes.
- When do you crave sweet things the most? After meals. And I always have room for dessert!
- If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? I have one (see blog name 😉)
My baker’s dozen nominees:
- Pretty Happy Baking Inspiring recipes and images
- Fork and Beans Genius- pure, delicious genius! Inspiration is a click away!
- (hand) one day on a plate Lovely, comforting recipes and painterly food images
- Go Bake Yourself A glorious blog full of dangerously good recipes, written by the young and lovely tour de force of the baking world, Choc Chip Uru
- Profiteroles & Ponytails There is something warm and comforting about this blog, not to mention sweet personal anecdotes and delicious looking food!
- The Vagabond Baker Living life on the road and baking up a storm along the way (what a dream!)
- 3pastriesaday Great step-by-step instructions, fab recipes… and cool background story
- Sophies foodie files Food, travel and personal anecdotes from the lovely Sophie
- yum yum cinnabun It’s all about “yum”!
- Green Door Hospitality Wonderful tips and recipes for making your home warm and welcoming
- Lemon Cake A new and exciting blog for cake lovers
- Beautiful Baking Sugar-free, wheat-free baking… it’s possible
- Eat My Shortbread Just yummy!
Nominated by: Hugs and Kisses, Ardent PT, Realistic Bird and Cupcake in Cairo
Thank you so much to those very kind bloggers who have nominated me for this award! x
The “Blog of the Year” Award is a little different from some other awards, because you accumulate stars.
Here are the ‘rules’ for this award:
1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award
2 Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.
3 Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award – and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
4 Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them.
5 You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience [I cannot join that group as I am not on Facebook].
6 As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…
Yes – that’s right – there are stars to collect!
Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different!
When you begin you will receive the ‘1 star’ award – and every time you are given the award by another blog – you can add another star!
There are a total of 6 stars to collect.
Which means that you can check out your favourite blogs, and even if they have already been given the award by someone else, then you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!
For more information check the FAQ on The Thought Palette.
So those ^^^ are the rules… and now for my nominations (which will include blogs I have nominated already for other awards)…
My nominees:
Dear Kitty. Some Blog Some people truly care about the world… and it’s evident
Saif’s NICU Journey Tiny baby Saif will touch you and his story will break your heart
Healthy Glow Nutrition A big old dose of healthy inspiration
The Spotted Owl Inspiration for families with small children… with an eco focus. Yay!
Violet’s Vegan e-Comics Personal stories, vegan recipes plus illustrated tales… and lots of heart
Prisoner in my own body A brave mother’s story about Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a high risk pregnancy condition
ABC of Spirit Talk Stop by, reflect, feel good
Motherhood is an Art Charming personal stories
Savor the Food It’s all about cooking!
Live Blissful One of my absolute favourite blogs… delicious comfort food can be healthy!
My Awakening Life Food for the spirit
Eat Breathe Yogini Health, nutrition, yoga and yumminess
Palestine Rose Poetry and reflections
Cate Writes Again Sharing a passion for active, healthy living and vegetarian food
Veggiereader Running, reading and eating veg… great combination!
GYA today Focused on helping people to achieve success and happiness
All you do is eat Love this Sydney-based foodie blog
Chef Doru A passion for cooking
Cupcake in Cairo Such an interesting background story… and lovely recipes too
Making myself useful “Striving for daily self-accountability”… isn’t that awesome?
Life’s too short not to eat cake Lovely recipes and reflections on food
The Healthy Flavor Amazing vegan food and inspiration
sachensucherin “Looking for the pretty things in life”
Phew – That is some impressive stuff! congrats and thank you so much for my nomination – I’m made up becauase I haven’t had that one until now 😀 it is an honour xxx
You are so welcome, Hannah! All the very best to you… and thanks xx
Wow! That’s a lot of awards! You definitely deserve it…you have a beautiful blog and are amazingly creative! I love that your husband proposed to you in a camp in Mongolia! That sounds amazing! Thank you so much for the nomination for my blog as well! Much appreciated!
Oh, thanks so much! 🙂 Yes, it was a pretty unique proposal, I must say! He’d carried a diamond ring in his pocket for weeks after we set off backpacking and was waiting for the right time and place to present itself. Re: the nomination, you are so welcome! Happy New Year! x
Congratulations and OMG, you’ve really done a lot of work to respond. Thank you for sharing your projects and for the nomination, it’s appreciated.
Thank you so much! Yes, this was kind of an epic post… but I felt it necessary and a good way to end the year 🙂 Re: the nomination, you are very welcome 🙂 x
What a lovely 100th blog post! Congratulations on the many awards! 🙂
I feel honoured by your nominating me for the Blog of 2012 The Year, award, thank you. 🙂
Thank you so much! And you’re very welcome! The best to you and yours x
The best to you and yours as welll xox
woohoo!!! Post #100!! Thank you for the wonderful shout out! 🙂 🙂
You’re so welcome, Megan 😀
Grateful and honoured to be among your fantastic nominees – thank you! Catherine Cameron “Cate” of
You are so welcome, Cate! All the best x
Thank you so much for the nomination, and congratulations! You deserve every award, that’s for sure! XD
Oh, thanks so much! Very sweet of you! And you are so welcome xx
Thank you so much! Honored to be one of your nominees!! You have a lovely blog! Happy New Year!!
You are very welcome! And thank you! Happy New Year to you too 🙂
Wow I am so inspired by the amount of awards you have! Your blog is amazing, you deserve all of them! And THANK YOU for the Sunshine Award Nomination, you have no idea what it means to me! I completely intend to accept! Happy New Year! 🙂
Aw, that’s lovely! Thanks so much 🙂 And all the best to you and yours! Happy New Year 😀
Congratulations on your well deserved awards and congratulations on all those remarkable bloggers who received your nomination. I am honoured and delighted that you chose my blog to be included in this esteemed group. But I am even more excited that we have connected and are on an amazing blogging adventure. My bags are packed for the journey ahead…I’m ready for 2013…
What a lovely comment! Thanks so much 🙂 I am ready for 2013 too… It’s going to be a great year, huh? All the best to you x
Congratulations on your 100th post and all your awards! Definitely well deserved 🙂
Thanks so much, Judy! Lovely of you! 🙂 x
MMMarzipan…thanks so much for the award nomination. Will get on excepting and posting at my blog. This morning I was sent one also, and have one too answer to from about 3 weeks ago. So much to do with so little time. 🙂 Myself and Savor the Food (my blog) thank you again. Congrat’s to you also for all of your hard earned awards.
Chef Randall
Thanks! All the best!
Wow! Congrats on all the awards and thank you so much for the nomination! I truly appreciate it! That’s so amazing all that you wrote, wow! Congrats again and happy new year!
Oh, thank you so much! And congrats to you too! All the best for a great 2013! 🙂
100 posts! And the ones that I have read are all a delight. I am sure they all are. Thank you for your nomination. I feel like a happy little cupcake 😀 .
Oh, you’re so sweet 🙂 Thank you! And you are very welcome 🙂 x
A happy little cupcake with one of your marzipan butterflies and a couple of edible pearls on top.
How sweet!!! 😀
Congrats to all your nominations! And thank you so much for nominating me. Happy New 2013 😀
You’re so welcome! Happy 2013 🙂
Congratulations on 100 posts. Thank you so much for the nomination, and the time and effort you have put into this. May 2013 bring everything everyone can wish for.
Thank YOU! Very kind! Here’s to a beautiful year 🙂
Congratulations on your awards and especially on your 100th post! Thank you so much for nominating me 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful 2013
Thank you! And you are welcome! Hope you and yours have a blessed year too 🙂
Congratulations on your 100th post and all of your awards and thanks for sharing the Blog of the Year award – The Thought Palette
Thank you 🙂
Thank you for the nomination and congratulations on your many awards! All the best to you!
Thank you and you are welcome 🙂 Happy 2013!
Wow Congratulations on your 100th post! Well done!
Looking forward to the next 100 posts!
Many thanks for my nomination…honoured 🙂
Wishing you a fabulous new year xxxx
Thank you very much… and you are so welcome! Congrats and happy 2013! 🙂 xx
Hi, congratulations with all your well deserved awards!
And thanks for nominating me!
A really happy 2013 for you and your blog!
You are very welcome, kitty! The best to you for a great 2013!
Congrats on your awards — they are very well-deserved! And, Thank you very much for the nomination! I greatly appreciate it!
Happy New Year!
Thanks so much for all the support, Kenley! And big congrats to you too! Happy 2013 and the best to you and yours! 🙂
well done you! lots of lovely awards! well done too for getting them done, something I have yet to get round to! Happy 2013! xxxxx
Thank you so much! Yes, it is hard to make the time to get around to responding to them! I hope you have a wonderful 2013! 🙂 xxx
Happy 100th post! Congrats on all the nominations as well. Have a safe and Happy New Year with your family.
Thank you very much 🙂 And the best to you and yours for a wonderful 2013!
Congrats for all of your well deserved recognition! Thanks for the shout out! I’m afraid that I am quite behind on taking care of the award requirements but it is certainly very much appreciated. I hope that you ring in the new year in some really fun way with family and friends!
Hi! Yes, we had a lovely New Year’s Eve, thank you! Hope you and yours did too and that 2013 is a great year for you! All the best 🙂
Congrats on reaching this milestone! Congrats on. The nominations! Looking forward to read more from you in the new year!
Thank you so much 🙂 Happy 2013 to you!
Hello Miss Marzipan! Congratulations on all of your award nominations (well deserved!) and for thinking of me and Revel Kitchen for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I am so flattered and appreciative :). It is great to have connected with you this year. I’ve enjoyed reading and following your blog very much, and wish you health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year! xx
Thank you, Jennifer! Wishing you all the best too and looking forward to following your blog over the coming year! Have a wonderful 2013 🙂 xx
18….. WOW…!
Well done to you. Your blog is wonderful.
I’ve enjoyed getting to know it and you over the past few months…
Thank You for the nomination, I’d love to accept…! 🙂
Thank you so very much! So sweet of you… and likewise! The best to you 🙂
Thank You my dear…. so kind and generous of you!! Thank You..
You are so welcome! Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for the Sunshine Award. I’m so touched, and a bit excited – it’s my first award! I will be mentioning you and your loveliness in an upcoming post, and of course, awarding others, very soon.
Oh, lovely! I hope that your year is off to a great start! All the best to you 🙂
Congratulations! And thanks a lot for my nomination. Now I have to sit and write a proper respond to the awards that I received last year… 😉
Thanks again and Happy New Year!
🙂 Happy New Year to you too! All the best!
Congratulations Miss Marzipan for all your well-deserved awards! And thank you for nominating No Naughties. Have a happy and healthy 2013!
Thank you! And congrats to you too! The very best to you for 2013! 🙂
Wow, congratulations! I wish the best of luck for you and your friends at WordPress in all your endeavors of 2013! Take care, and continue to inspire!
Thank you very much! Happy New Year to you 🙂
Pretty impressive receiving all of those awards! Thanks for following my blog, & I really appreciate you nominating me :). Look forward to your posts to come, especially with all that positive thinking for the new year!
Thank you… and you are very welcome! All the best with your inspiring blog and for a great 2013! 🙂
You, too 🙂 & thanks again!
Congrats on your awards! They are well-deserved! 🙂 And thank you for passing one onto me– it’s much appreciated!! 😀 You are definitely making a positive impact– and yay, dragon! I’m a rat. They’re quite compatible, you know!
Thank you so much! And congrats to you too! I have heard that rats and dragons are compatible. 🙂
congratulations on all those awards!! it is such a wonderful blog!! i love actually ALL of your posts 🙂 and 100th post – congrats again!
and thank-you so much for passing it on! i am very thankful 🙂
Thank you so much! Lovely of you! And you and your blog are most deserving too! 🙂 x
You did a great job answering all those questions with each award. Now I can understand why some bloggers refuse to accept awards. I have two more that I have year to post, yet feel very flattered to have been nominated for. Congratulations!
Thank you 🙂 Yes, it is rather time consuming, both to answer questions and to come up with nominees… then link back to each of them (as well as the person who nominated you), then to notify everyone individually! But of course it is very touching to be thought of in the first place… and also nice to acknowledge other blogs that you enjoy reading 🙂