A few short days after receiving a nomination for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award, I awoke to find that sweet Melissa of Just Enough Sugar fame, had nominated me for a Liebster Award (thank you, lovely!). The Liebster Award, for those who don’t know, is apparently given to up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “Beloved, Dearest or Favorite” and the award is intended to shine a spotlight on blogs deserving of some recognition. I am aware that there are some differences in how people receive and pass on these awards, but I will just follow Melissa’s 11 + 11 + 11 format and choose blogs to nominate that I really enjoy reading and that have 200 followers or less. I am also going to change things up by including blogs that I did not get a chance to nominate in my Very Inspiring Blogger Award post.
Eleven random facts about me:
- Being a mum is the best thing I know!
- I once had a pink mohawk
- Reading about/seeing images of animal cruelty or child abuse makes me furious and disgusted beyond words
- I wish I could find great Chinese food where I live
- I am terrified of heights, but had to jump off the top of a waterfall in Fiji in order to reach a boat (I went from being traumatised pre-jump to elated post-jump!)
- I try to incorporate some colour in my wardrobe, but I mostly stick with black
- I dream about doing a cruise around South America and visiting Antarctica
- Disney World is one of my favourite places
- I love animals, but my husband is very allergic to all animals it seems… so no pets for us
- I cry easily
- I was a difficult teenager, but I am a lovely adult 😉
My answers to Melissa’s questions:
- What is your biggest dream? To be happy/fulfilled/content and to be making a positive impact on the world in some way
- Where have you traveled to, if anywhere? Australia, New Zealand, Tanzania, Hong Kong (when it was still part of the British Empire), China, Mongolia, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Greece, America, Canada, Fiji, Egypt, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, England, Ireland, Netherlands, Japan, Norway… and more. I love to travel!
- What is your favorite pastime? Creating… or exploring
- Do you know any other languages? What are they? Yes- Swedish
- What is your favorite movie and why? The Sound of Music… nostalgia! And I love Salzburg!
- Can you recommend a good band to listen to? Adam and the Ants (the very early punky stuff)
- Do you have a favorite author? Not really a favourite, but I love to read and my taste in literature genres is diverse
- What is your favorite dessert? Oh gosh… now I am stumped! Is it enough to say that I LOVE dessert and eat some form of it after every dinner? 😉
- What’s one thing you never leave your house without? My bag! It’s like a tardis (for any Doctor Who watchers out there)
- Do you drive? No- I’ve never had a license
- Johnny Depp or Christian Bale? Christian Bale! I think JD is truly fab (and I love so many of the films he’s been in), but Christian Bale is possibly the most perfect man in the world… Lol
Questions for my nominees (interpret/answer as you like):
- Colour or monochrome?
- Winter or summer?
- Ready-made or homemade?
- Chocolate or vanilla?
- Glass half empty or half full?
- Work or play?
- Casual or formal?
- Ski lodge or tropical island?
- Breakfast or dinner?
- TV or film?
- City or country?
My nominees:
- Live Blissful – one of my absolute favourite blogs… delicious comfort food can be healthy!
- Foods for the Soul – simple, yummy recipes that make you happy
- Green Door Hospitality – wonderful tips and recipes for making your home warm and welcoming
- Lemon Cake – a new and exciting blog for cake lovers
- Beautiful Baking – sugar-free, wheat-free baking… it’s possible
- Eat My Shortbread – just yummy!
- My Awakening Life – food for the spirit
- Eat Breathe Yogini – health, nutrition, yoga and yumminess
- Taste and see – food for body and soul… see for yourself!
- Pretty Happy Baking – inspiring recipes and images
- Cate Writes Again – sharing a passion for active, healthy living and vegetarian food
To my nominees:
Now it’s up to you whether you decide to accept your nomination (I hope you do 🙂 ). If you do, simply follow the format I have used, starting by answering the questions I have asked, then writing a list of new questions for your nominees and then compiling a list of 11 blogs you’d like to recognise. I look forward to reading your blog posts! 🙂
Thanks again to Melissa (who would have, incidentally, made my list of nominees for her lovely blog Just Enough Sugar!)… mwah! x
I have tried to only include blogs with 200 followers or less, but it’s hard to keep track… so there may be a couple with more. There were some blogs that I would have included if I could have, such as The Perky Poppy Seed (which I love), but they have too many followers to meet the requirements stipulated. I hope that everyone included on my list is happy to be there and that all your blogs continue to bring you and your readers much joy!
Congratulations to you! Well deserved!
Oh, thank you so much 🙂 Very kind! x
Congratulations Miss Marzipan:) Your blog is lovely:) I really enjoy reading it:) You are too sweet:) Thank you for the kind thoughts:)
I just got nominated about a week or so ago… I have to do the post yet”:) But Thanksgiving has taken all my time:) I will do the belated post very soon… after Thanksgiving:) I love learning new things about the bloggers 🙂 Isnt it funny how similar we all are:)
Aw, thank you so much! I love finding out about other bloggers too! And I am blown away at some of the similarities… many of my favourite bloggers have so much n common, even if the concepts behind their blogs are different 🙂 All the best to you x
What a nice idea/name for an award – I agree it’s well-deserved. Your questions are intriguing too. I’ll be following the links to see how the bloggers answer!
Oh, thank you so much! Yes, I am very interested to read what everyone writes too 🙂 x
Congratulations to you and thank you so much for the recognition! 🙂
Thank you! And you are very welcome! 🙂
Aw I’m glad you accepted the nomination and so great of you to mention me 🙂 Might I also say how envious I am of you to have traveled to so many places! One day for me.. one day. And I’m sure there will be many more awards for you to come! xx
Thanks once again! 🙂 I really appreciate you thinking of me! And I do really count my blessings regarding the travel thing. I wish you all the best on your future journeys and adventures 🙂 xx
Wow thank you so much! I’m truly touched to have been included in your nominations, alongside such wonderful blogs 🙂
I will admit I am TERRIBLE at writing about me. I even struggled with my ‘about me’ section – so you may be waiting some time for me to have the courage to post my response :-S
Thank you again – big smiles 😀
Farheen x
No worries, Farheen! You are very welcome! And ther’s no pressure to write anything really personal (favourite colour/animal/item of clothing, etc. will do just fine… and some people don’t even follow all the “rules”- so do whatever makes you comfortable :)) All the best to you! xx